Fellow readers, I have finally realized that reading two mangas and watching one anime movie per week isn't an easy way to maintain a blog. Especially when I don't want to get too obsessed with Japanese cartoons. If you want to comment against changing this blog into something TOTALLY different, well........ please do comment.

September 27, 2010

Fairy Tail Vol.1

Fairy Tail is a captivating manga about a wizard guild called "Fairy Tail", where wizards of superior power
gather and earn their money by helping people with their incredible talents. Only people who have learned and have been gifted the potential can use magic. Natsu, a wizard with the magical talents to manipulate fire,
Rated T for Teen
haphazardly encounters a  celectial mage named Lucy. After thrilling adventures, Natsu, along with other magicians, form a wizard club.  

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