Fellow readers, I have finally realized that reading two mangas and watching one anime movie per week isn't an easy way to maintain a blog. Especially when I don't want to get too obsessed with Japanese cartoons. If you want to comment against changing this blog into something TOTALLY different, well........ please do comment.

September 24, 2010

Distant Neighborhood (Haruka na Machi e) by Jirō Taniguchi

Trying to rucuperate from his hangover, the a 50 year old man takes the wrong train to work.
Instead hops on one heading towards his childhood village. He takes advantage to stop at his
mother's grave. The cheerless old man awakes in a moment of blankness. Little by little he stands up only to know he made a leap into the past. The aged fellow just found himself in the body of a fourteen year old. His body.

1 comment:

Sana said...

Jacques, you did really well! I like how you wrote it. Very interesting and cool!